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 Recycling Grant Opportunity 

The Tennessee Recycling Coalition (TRC) is partnering with Nobody Trashes Tennessee (TDOT) to offer multiple recycling bin grants to public and private K-12 schools, municipalities, state parks, governments, non-profits, and organizations in Tennessee. The grant funding amount is $1,500 per applicant, and two grants will be funded to support a new recycling program or expand an existing recycling program. This grant program supports the mission of TRC, a non-profit organization that works to promote and grow recycling efforts in the state.

Deadline: Applications are due Friday, November 1, 2024. Please click the link below to go to the application. You must be located in the State of Tennessee to apply. One application per organization will be accepted. TRC will offer a paper application if you have trouble with the online form.  Winners will be selected by November 10th. Bins will ship from Busch Systems, and we are offering two options pictured below. If you have any questions, please email Amber Greene at Winners are responsible for the materials to be picked up and recycled. 



Attn: TRC Recycling Grant

Amber Greene

PO Box 23796

Nashville, TN 37202



Attn: Recycling Grants

Amber Greene Email:

Email only three attachments to this email. 



Questions: If you have any questions, contact Amber Greene by email at


Guidelines and Instructions:

  • TRC only accepts one application per school, college, non-profit, or government organization.

  • A budget outline must be included in response to Question 5 on the application form. The budget must support the grant amount requested. Applications with budget amounts up to $1500 will be considered.

  • Applications without the necessary signatures will not be considered.

  • Only typed pages will be considered or survey applications.

  • Font size should be no smaller than eleven points and no larger than fourteen points.

  • In responding to Questions 1-5 of the application, additional attachments or enclosures may be included if needed.

  • Please only email three attachments or less.


We prefer you use the Google survey link to apply for the grant by clicking here.











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Screenshot 2023-10-13 142329.png

Please pick between the two bins for your program. 

                  2023 Recycling Grant Recipients



Dr William H. Brewster Elementary School

Jackson Christain School

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